Rackspace Cloud Sftp

Rackspace Private Cloud powered by VMware (RPC-VMware) enables aVMware Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) as a single-tenant privatecloud that conveniently transitions or extends your on-premises VMwareworkloads into a hosted VMware environment. It is built on top of thestandard VMware virtualization and software-defined technologies:


Rackspace Cloud Files Ftp

  • VMware vSphere®
  • NSX™
  • vSAN™,
  • The vRealize® Suite.

Rackspace Cloud Load Balancers Rapid spikes in online traffic can challenge even the best web sites and applications. During online sales events, even a brief outage can cost you thousands of customers. Cloud Load Balancers manage online traffic by distributing workloads across multiple servers and resources—automatically or on demand. The Rackspace Cloud is a set of cloud computing products and services billed on a utility computing basis from the US-based company Rackspace.Offerings include Cloud Storage ('Cloud Files'), virtual private server ('Cloud Servers'), load balancers, databases, backup, and monitoring.

RPC-VMware is available not only in a Rackspace data center but also inthe customers own or 3rd party data centers.

This handbook is your primary resource for information related toRPC-VMware, including chapters on how to get started, using RPC-VMware, andhow to get help. It also includes additional resources that are external to thehandbook.

SFTP is an extension of the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH). It is a more secure option that provides end-to-end encryption through the SSH tunnel. Setup and user management By default, SFTP is already available on all Linux® images for Rackspace managed cloud servers. Ubiquitous API Access: SME adds an SFTP, FTP, and WebDav interface to RackSpace Files File Versioning: Versioning and file locking is built into the Storage Made Easy platform. If the same filename is uploaded to the same folder, the new file will be versioned and visible using our unique visual versioning UI feature.

  • ©2020 Rackspace US, Inc.
Storage Made Easy provides the easiest and most comprehensive application stack for RackSpace Cloud Files™ enabling users to store, share, collaborate and access files anytime, anywhere and from whatever device they choose using our innovative Cloud File Server.

RackSpace Cloud Files™

is an online storage web service offered
by RackSpace and built on
The 30 minute video demo below provides an overview of the SME solution.

RackSpace provides a development toolkit to enable access to RackSpace, and organises data in containers. These are not intuitive when working with data. Storage Made Easy adds a true Enterprise File share and sync for use with RackSpace CloudFiles.

The SME EFSS platform adds native FTP and webDav access and aslo enables drive and sync access from any operating system. All mobile devices are also supported.


Storage Made Easy also adds governance and audit control for all files and file events. File sharing policies can be set and file audit watches can be configured to push information on file access.

The Storage Made Easy Enterprise File share and sync Platform os available as a SaaS service, as a dedicated hosted platform (IaaS) or for Enterprise use on-premise.

Customer Press Release:
FinSer Uses Storage Made Easy Cloud Service Broker with RackSpace Cloud Storage

Azure Sftp Cloud Service

Click here for details on Enterprise File Share and Sync for OpenStack.

EFSS features added to RackSpace

For full details Download our white paper

  • File System: SME places a true file manager on top of RackSpace Files so users can work with data more intuitively - with a file manager interface they are used to.
  • File Names are not changed: Unlike some other RackSpace solutions SME does not transcode or change file names. SME is completely open and does nothing proprietary with files stored on RackSpace.
  • Cloud Drives: SME provides Cloud Drives for Mac, Windows and Linux that integrate RackSpace directly into the business desktop.
  • Cloud Sync: SME provides native Sync from RackSpace to the business desktop for Mac, Windows and Linux.
  • Visual Permissioning: SME places a true visual permissioning console in the hands of administrators to make it easy to work with RackSpace from a user access control perspective.
  • Active Directory / LDAP / SSO Integration: Full integration and single sign-on with Active Directory.
  • Ubiquitous API Access: SME adds an SFTP, FTP, and WebDav interface to RackSpace Files
  • File Versioning: Versioning and file locking is built into the Storage Made Easy platform. If the same filename is uploaded to the same folder, the new file will be versioned and visible using our unique visual versioning UI feature.
  • File Event Auditing: Storage Made Easy supports granular file event auditing with associated IP Address. Reports are searchable and obtainable as excel reports or can be output as SysLog format for integration with toools such as Splunk.
  • Encryption: RackSpace Files can be encrypted using public/private key AES 256 bit encryption in which only the Admin knows the key.
  • Advanced Secure File Sharing: Securely share RackSpace files with time expiry and password protection.
  • GEO Location Recording: Storage Made Easy can record the location when a file is uploaded and also the endpoint location of where it was stored. This can be important from a regulatory perspective.
  • Classification Tagging: Helps users easily organize and find files.
  • Full File Content Search: Searches can search within files stored in RackSpace due to integration with Apache SOLR. Find out more.

Cloud Control Built in

Storage Made Easy makes Enterprise File Share and Sync is built upon its Cloud Control Gateway which provides Information Governance for files and documents.

Cloud Based Sftp Server