Tera Auto Run

Auto-run code Only auto-run code that validates Auto-save code (bumps the version) Auto-close HTML tags Auto-close brackets Live code validation Highlight matching tags Boilerplates. Show boilerplates bar less often Save anonymous (public) fiddle? - Be sure not to include personal data - Do. TERA houses 6 different races: Aman, Baraka, Castanics, High Elves, Humans and Popori. Each race features it own culture setting them apart from each other in all possible ways imaginable. Though recently the races have banded together. Ceasing their own wars in order to focus on a common enemy which threatens them all and all of Arborea. The relatively young race, our valorous Humans, have.

TERA Online UI and Controls Guide by Amira

One of the most unique and interesting things found in TERA are its movement and attack controls. When first stepping into Arborea, they can be quite shocking, really! Although the game conveniently includes a well-made on-screen tutorial, you can never be too well-prepared! Currently, there is no way to remap keybinds in-game, so here’s a quick guide and preview of the UI and default controls.

Tera Auto Fishing

In describing TERA’s UI, I’d like to break the features up into two distinct modes. The first you’re met with is pictured below.

Before I get into the numbered items, I first want to point out that in this mode, there is no cursor! Control –wise, you look around with your mouse and move with either the “wasd” keyboard controls or auto-run (accessed by pressing a fifth mouse button if you have one, or num-lock).

1) The first item of note is your standard health bar. There you will find your hit points and mana points. Above that bar are buffs; the swords signifying whether the player is in combat or not and the heart signifying the character’s “condition”. (Condition is another topic all together!)

2) Here is your action bar! If you view the picture full-sized, you will see that the top row contains mouse keybinds. Your initial attack is mapped to left-click and your dodge/block/heal is spacebar. You can move your skills to any of the squares, but you cannot remap the square’s bind itself at this time.

3) Three is your questlog. As in most MMOs, in TERA, quests line up along the right side of your screen as you receive them.

4) Finally, four is a tiny transparent map. This can be closed or moved in the next “mode” I will discuss.

If you press either the “alt” key or the “esc” key, you will find yourself in the second “mode”.

This mode is useful for moving things around your UI, changing settings and talking to NPCs. Once you enter this mode, you cannot control your movement until you exit it.

Tera auto fish

Tera Auto Run Fortnite

1) The first number marks the menu you can access. It displays the keybinds (currently not re-bindable) for things like your inventory and character pane. It also contains two important menus.

2) The first of these menus is the “Daily Life” list. In this one, you’ll find things like your friends list and trade options.

3) The system config menu contains logout options and gameplay options.


4) The fourth item is actually a pane that depicts how much of an area’s quests you’ve completed.

As you can see, you are also able to move a few UI components in this mode, such as the quest box, transparent minimap, and chat box. To leave it and continue on, simply press “alt” or “esc” again.