Tutorial Autocad 2017 Pdf Bahasa Indonesia

Tutorial Autocad 2017 Pdf Bahasa Indonesia

Pada Halaman Seri Tutorial AutoCAD Bahasa Indonesia ini mencakup pembahasan dalam pembelajaran menggunakan berbagai perintah atau command di AutoCAD. Tutorial dibagi kedalam kategori yang berbeda disesuaikan dengan perintah AutoCAD sehingga memudahkan anda dalam memahami dan mencari materi Tutorial AutoCAD yang anda butuhkan. Gambar 1.4 Tampilan alat bantu panel pada layar kerja AutoCAD Semua alat bantu ini penting diketahui fungsi dan kegunaannya biar dalam menggambar di AutoCAD jadi mudah. Pertama diperhatikan panel yang menjorok ke dalam, ini artinya Panel AutoCAD sedang 'AKTIF/ON'. Bila sedang tidak aktif panel AutoCAD kelihatan datar.


AutoCAD is a computer-aided drafting software program used to create blueprints for buildings, bridges, and computer chips, among other things. Discover how AutoCAD is used by drafters and other professionals. AutoCAD tutorial for beginners pdf will help you to understand autocad interface ,commands and drawing tools use instructions.

Tutorial Autocad 2017 Pdf Bahasa Indonesia

While drafters work in a number of specialties, the five most common specialization areas are as follows: mechanical, architectural, civil, electrical, and electronics.

  • Mechanical drafters prepare plans for machinery and mechanical devices.
  • Architectural drafters draw up plans for residential and commercial buildings.
  • Civil drafters draw up plans for use in the design and building of roadways, bridges, sewer systems, and other major projects.
  • Electrical drafters work with electricians to prepare diagrams of wiring electrical system layouts.
  • Electronics drafters also prepare wiring diagrams for use in the making, installing, and repairing of electronic gadgets.

AutoCAD tutorial for beginners pdf Free Download

1 Autocad basic Command Instruction For beginners pdf Download :

Tutorial Autocad 2017 Pdf Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 12 Semester 1

This Pdf includes basic commands introduction e.g. Draw Toolbars , Modify toolbars .

File Size : 2 mb

2. Learn About Autocad – An Introduction to AutoCAD for Beginners

Welcome to AutoCAD’s tutorial. With this suite of tools, you will be able to produce high quality designs in less time, via the significant
improvements in precision and flexibility while working in both 2D sketches and 3D modeling.

Autocad 2017 Pdf Tutorials

File Size : 5 mb


File size : 3.5 mb

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